og:image Eight Ways Preschoolers Learn – Part 2 - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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Knowing how preschoolers learn is the biggest issue with our early childhood classes. It feels like teachers are moving toward childcare rather than Bible teaching. The problem is understanding how preschoolers learn. If we could understand this part, it would make more sense why we set up the classroom a certain way and the activities we teach that lead toward our Bible content.

Last week I introduced to you to the “Eight Ways Preschoolers Learn.” In this video I discuss the last four ways to add to the discussion we had last week. In case you want to see it again or recommend it to fellow teachers, you can search the podcast archive. I have also put both of these video links under the resources tab for quick reference. 

Train your workers to know how their students learn and they will be effective in the classroom. 

Mr. Mark 

*Note- If you would like to listen to the audio version of this podcast during your daily commute, download the Podcast app and subscribe to Mr. Mark’s Classroom for free!  

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