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Thank You God for Spring!

Thank You God for Spring!

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 Using left over plastic Easter Eggs, allow preschoolers to create their own bird’s nest to take home. You’ll need new or clean used plastic eggs, small paper bags and shredded paper for nest,...
Children’s Sermons and Worship

Children’s Sermons and Worship

Children’s sermons are great fun for me.  We don’t have it every week but a couple of times a year we have them.  I prefer to have questions and hear kid’s answers or voting with the kids during our time.  This way the church gets to hear them and they seem to stay a...
Criss-Cross Collage

Criss-Cross Collage

Kids will create unique art using cross shapes and colors.  Great talk time about how many crosses were at the crucifixion.  Talk about the facts of the cross and the timeline of Jesus’ death as they color. White paper Cross shapes cut from cardstock Markers Scissors...
Jelly Bean Cross

Jelly Bean Cross

The colors of the Jelly Bean Cross stand as a reminder to us of the love that Jesus has for us. Construction paper White paper Marker or ink pen, small stickers Hot glue gun (low temp) Scissors Eight jelly beans- one of each color: red, orange, yellow, green, purple,...
Building Indoor Snowman!

Building Indoor Snowman!

Create one or a family of indoor snowmen—any size you want! Newspapers or white butcher paper Construction paper Sticks, hats, gloves, scarves Packing tape Glue dots Wad up newspaper to form a ball. Add tape randomly to secure and continue to form the ball until the...
Time To Teach Again

Time To Teach Again

Building bonds with kids and teachers is a priority.  Sometimes you have to get back in the classroom and teach a lesson or two to get to know kids better and train new teachers. I am teaching in a third grade class right now to better help some kids with learning...

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