Four-part Parenting Training Series (DVD & CD)
Mark Jones, Conference Speaker
Session 1–The Seven Desires of Your Child’s Heart
No form of discipline will ever be effective if the only times you have together is about correction. Learn how to connect with your child’s heart through these simple steps you can take.
Session 2–Working through Behavior Challenges
You will find new ways of dealing with your child’s decisions by understanding how he thinks. These practical tips will serve you well when dealing with tantrums too.
Session 3–Dealing with Entitlements & a Lack of Respect
Entitlements are a force to be reckoned with in our culture and it fits hand-in-glove with the lack of respect. You will learn simple strategies to practice and teach your children a much deeper appreciation for things and people.
Session 4–Setting Limits for the Strong-Willed Child
Your child may become a great leader someday since they have such great ambition and need to test more often than other children. Learn how to harness that energy for the good without growing weary in the meantime.