og:image Construction Stage Decorations Bundle - Mr. Mark's Classroom
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This impressive decorations bundle will fill a stage with a spectacular construction theme with no tracing and no painting. All of the pieces are on large stickers (8’ x 4’) and will easily adhere to construction foam board in only a minute.

These decorations will be easy to stick on and cut out. All of your large set pieces will be done in record time. Descriptions of each stage piece are listed below with individual pricing. Get this Construction Stage Decorations as a set and save $64.00.

This large Construction Stage Decorations bundle includes:

Mobile Crane

The mobile crane is 8- feet wide with add-on arms to extend the crane for 4, 8, 12, or 16 feet. It is on two large four-foot by eight-foot sticker (adhesive back) panels. No painting sets this year!  Mobile Crane Set  $87.00

Barricade Instructions

The striped boards are included in the large sticker panels and should be easily cut out with a sharp blade. One supply item needed; a large sheet of white art foam board from Hobby Lobby (32” x 40”). To make the legs of the barricade, measure and mark four legs that are each eight inches wide and cut out with a sharp blade. Simply stand two legs together and tape along the top to create a hinge. After making the two sets of legs, add the barricade striped cross bars with rolls of Mavalus Tape on the back. These barricades will stand with no problem and no painting. It is truly easy construction. It stores flat. Set it in place and you’re done!

Safety Cones Instructions

The cones are included in the large panels. Cut out the safety cones and tape a triangle flap on the back as a “kickstand.”  Simply lay the triangle flat on the back of the cone slightly above the bottom of the cone. Tape along one side as a hinge. Stand it up and it should lean back slightly which will insure it doesn’t fall forward. You can add another strip of tape on the opposite side of the triangle if desired. The safety cone will fold flat for easy storage. Place the cones around the construction scene to add interest with more three-dimensional layers on your stage.

Cement Truck with Bonus Props

This large colorful prop is perfect for a construction theme. The cement truck is eight feet long and over four feet tall. Simple to stick on a construction foam panel and cut out with a sharp blade. The additional portion on the top can be connected with tape along the back seam. Use a chair to prop up the cement truck one piece of tape will secure it in place. This is a great colorful prop without tracing and painting. This assembles in minutes. Watch the Cement Truck Demonstration video. Cement Truck Set  $87.00

Sky Scraper Under Construction

The sky scraper building is on two large (8’x 4’) panels with an adhesive back. This colorful and detailed building is super easy to adhere to construction foam panels. Begin with cutting away the small white edge, apply the sticker to the foam board, and stand on the stage. That’s all! You are done! A demonstration video is coming soon.

Option- You can cut out the structure and remove the printed sky to create a more three-dimensional look but this is not necessary. Only for VBS over-achievers!

The surrounding backdrop can be created with simple blue construction foam panels taped together as a blue sky on both sides of the sky scraper building. Add clouds by tearing large sheets of white bulletin board paper and taping it to the blue panels. Watch the Sky Scraper Demonstration video.  Sky Scraper  $87.00

Sturdy Cardboard Tubes

These tubes are 50” long and make great sign posts. Each order comes with four sturdy tubes and should be stored for future uses. Sturdy Cardboard Tubes $19.97

Click here to order your Construction Stage Decoration Bundle or see other great VBS decorations in our store.

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