We have been sheltering in place for a few weeks now and I noticed some agitation has crept in a little. I’ve tried to figure out what is happening, so I could make some adjustments and avoid any angry moments among our family members. I finally got us together and said that we are getting a little “on edge” and need to figure this out now before we get angry with each other. It seems to come from our communication or lack thereof. I’m dealing with all girls here, just so you know. Girls have a whole other level of communication that us guys know nothing about. They watch your body language, listen for a tone in your voice, and are more sensitive to how long it takes you to answer a question or the pauses you make while answering the question. In this time of staying so close together for so long, I can make a statement and it can be factual but the ladies I live with have said “it sounds” passive aggressive. It wasn’t. It had no agenda at all. How can anyone even have an agenda right now? It’s all about staying safe.
I finally called all the silent voices to a stop. I stated that I will not hint about anything. I will say everything clearly so it can not confused with me trying to get them to do or be anything other than what or who they are.
I want to ask you to carefully consider your words and actions with your family and friends and stop hinting. Speak clearly because the flesh is weak. During this time of isolation, maybe our flesh is even weaker. Children and spouses need us to be clear. Work to operate in a structured schedule if possible. Matter of fact, one pastor has asked his ministerial staff to double their time with the Lord from what they usually have. That is great advice and why not? It would be like a gift to yourself.
Today, I want to give you a prayer calendar to pray for your children. I do not know who wrote it but would love to know and give you credit. Feel free to use the link below to download this calendar and send it to the parents in your ministry, so they can also be encouraged and equipped to pray for their kids. Satan would love to get a foothold in your family and cause division. Often an easy place to see Satan at work is in our communication. Beware of texting since that may be the easiest way of communication, but often the poorest choice. Others need to hear your voice and even see your face. Schedule time to play a quick game or tell a funny or special story from your time as a family. Those are the emotions we love and treasure. Tell your spouse, children and friends why you love them or why they are special to you. Maybe we should practice these ideas now so when the pandemic is past, we will continue to do them. Loving others is important.
Your Friend,
Mr. Mark
Printable: Praying For Your Children Calendar
The mobile crane is eight feet wide with add-on arms to extend the crane for 4, 8, 12, or 16 feet. The mobile crane is on two large four-foot by eight-foot sticker (adhesive back) panels. It’s simple, stick the panel to the foam board, cut it out and place it on the stage. You’re done! Arrange the arm extensions to make the crane straight or curved to best fit your stage. Extra items like the crane hook, safety cones and barricade parts are included. Order the mobile crane today for your VBS!