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Message Launcher

Message Launcher Then he said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15 Supplies: StrawsMetallic chenille stems in a variety of colors—6” piecesMarkersCopy paper cut in 3” X 1 1/4” piecesTape Instructions: Use...

Quiet Kerplunk

Quiet Kerplunk Supplies: Two plastic bottlesCraft knife (Leader use only)Clear tapeHole punchPom-pomsPlastic straws Prepare: Remove the neck from each bottle.Punch a row of holes every couple of inches around the rim of each bottle. Punch a second...

Decorating Cookies for Dad

Decorating Cookies for Dad Supplies: Cookies (Two for each child would be ideal)IcingWriting IcingM&MsFruit Roll-UpsCraft SticksPaper platesMarker or PenSmall cup or bowl for each childKitchen scissors or plastic knife Prepare:Place icing in a small cup or bowl...

VBS 2021 Decorations

VBS 2021 Decorations This archaeology “DIG” site will transform your stage into a scene from Israel that will grab the attention of everyone around. The large stone ruins are 16 feet long and eight feet high. They are professionally printed on four large...

Zip Line Toy

Zip Line Toy Supplies: 2 plastic bottlesCraft knife (Leader use only)Duct tapeCord: 2 6-foot lengths4 large beads Prepare: Cut the cord into 6-ft lengths.Cut the neck from each bottle.Place the bottle necks rim to rim and tape together with duct...



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