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That’s right!  You can sing your Bible thoughts. I learned this method years ago and was reminded from my friend, Stephanie Chase to sing the Bible thought to my preschoolers. Every Sunday, my kindergarten material prompts me to sing the Bible thought to a familiar tune I know. There have been a couple of times I could not remember the tune, but my co-teachers knew it and helped me.  Here’s how it works for me. During a learning center, while we are playing and learning about the Bible, I start to sing the Bible thought. Usually, no one looks up while they are working. After I sing it a couple of times, I notice they always start to join in singing too. It’s really cool!   

Later, I sing it again in grouptime and often add motions like clapping, patting our knees and stomping our feet. My favorite is when we walk down the hall to the bathroom or playground. I always walk backwards and look at my class lined up and following me. I sing our Bible thought over and over again. 

In this podcast episode, I demonstrate how you can take any Bible thought and sing it. I have included a list of the Bible thoughts provided by LifeWay Christian Resources with permission granted.  Please give this list to your teachers so they can also sing the Bible thoughts. In your next training meeting, demonstrate and show them how brilliant you are! 

I will also post the list of Bible thoughts on the resource page in case you need to print a copy later. 

Your Friend, 
Mr. Mark 



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