by Mark Jones | Mar 23, 2023 | Children, Featured, Holiday/Seasonal, Preschool |
He is not here! For He has been resurrected, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay. Matthew 28:6 Supplies Needed: 8 Small black rocks (Between 1 – 1 1/2 inches in diameter) White paint pen Pre-printed 8 X 10 story stone page (or let...
by Mark Jones | Apr 12, 2022 | Children, Featured, Holiday/Seasonal, Preschool |
Supplies: White paper Pencils Scissors Cotton swabs Yellow markers Bamboo skewers Masking tape Floral tape Prepare: Fold paper in half Snip the point off the bamboo skewer Instructions: Color the tips of the cotton swabs yellow. Tape the swabs to...
by Mark Jones | Apr 5, 2022 | Children, Featured, Holiday/Seasonal, Preschool |
Supplies Needed: 12 Fillable plastic eggs Small Individually wrapped candies Permanent markers Copy paper Cardstock Plastic storage bag that seals Prepare: Make a “You’ve Been Egged” door hanger out of cardstock. Decorate it and include...
by Mark Jones | Mar 29, 2022 | Featured, Game/Activity, Holiday/Seasonal, Teacher Helps |
Palm Sunday Decorations • Palm Leaves—Have the children cut palm-shaped leaves from green construction paper. Cut slits down both sides of the palm leaf to create a fringe in the leaf. The children can wave or use them to decorate the classroom or a door. Palm...
by Mark Jones | Apr 26, 2021 | Children, Featured, Holiday/Seasonal, Preschool |
Supplies: Tin CanYellow and Orange Card stockFeathersTapeGlue SticksButtonsMarkersColored pencilsScissors Instructions: Cut yellow card stock to fit around the can. Secure to your can with tape.Cut wing shapes out of card stock. Use markers to add details to the...