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Supplies: Chip canDecorative paperIridescent pony beadsIridescent faceted beadsHot glueClear plasticMirror paperAwl (leader use only) Prepare: Cut the decorative paper to fit around the outside of the chip can.Punch a hole in the metal end of the can.Cut a clear...


Supplies: Three wide Popsicle sticksGlue or hot glueYarn (various colors)Wiggly eyesGreen and black markers This would be a great art project for summer, or a Bible story about the sea, or waiting on God’s timing (turtles are slow). Instructions: Color the ends...
Band-Aid Holder

Band-Aid Holder

Supplies: Card stockBand-aids (five per project)Small decorative band-aid (one per project)StaplerDecorative edge scissorsRulerMarkers Prepare: Cut the card stock into 8½ inch by 2¾ inch strips.Open the stapler and color the tops of the staples with permanent...

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