by Mark Jones | Mar 29, 2021 | Children, Featured |
Supplies: Card stockBand-aids (five per project)Small decorative band-aid (one per project)StaplerDecorative edge scissorsRulerMarkers Prepare: Cut the card stock into 8½ inch by 2¾ inch strips.Open the stapler and color the tops of the staples with permanent...
by administrator | Jan 4, 2021 | Children, Featured, Missions/Service, Preschool |
Items Needed: Stretchy cheap colorful gloves – one per studentButtonsWiggly eyesFeltScissorsGlue This is a craft idea for your Sunday School class or Wednesday night program when you have a hat and mitten drive during the winter. Everyone can donate mittens...
by Mark Jones | Nov 30, 2020 | Children, Featured, Holiday/Seasonal, Missions/Service |
For God so loved the world . . . John 3:16 Supplies: Cardstock Tape Markers Mints Scissors Two sheets of cardstock will be needed to create the box. One sheet needs to be a 7” square which will be the bottom of the box, the second needs to be a 7 1/4” square which...
by Mark Jones | Jun 1, 2020 | Children, Featured, Holiday/Seasonal |
Who doesn’t love sunflower seeds this time of the year? Here’s a fun idea your kids will enjoy or share with a friend! Supplies: Sunflower seeds Small, clear container with a snap-on lidGold cupcake paperWooden craft stick spoonJumbo craft stickColored...
by Angela | Aug 15, 2011 | Children, Missions/Service |
* Assemble ready-to-go packs for the homeless. Fill brown paper lunch sacks with water bottles, wipes, non-perishable snacks, wash cloths, and an encouraging card and perhaps a couple of dollar bills or fast food gift card. Keep these in your car at all times so when...