by administrator | Jan 4, 2021 | Children, Featured, Missions/Service, Preschool |
Items Needed: Stretchy cheap colorful gloves – one per studentButtonsWiggly eyesFeltScissorsGlue This is a craft idea for your Sunday School class or Wednesday night program when you have a hat and mitten drive during the winter. Everyone can donate mittens...
by Mark Jones | Feb 25, 2019 | Children, Featured, Missions/Service, Preschool |
“Give thanks in everything for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 I don’t mean to BUG you . . . just wanted you to know that JESUS loves YOU! Supplies: Corrugated cardboard Washable markers Chenille stems Googly...
by Mark Jones | Aug 10, 2016 | Children, Featured, Missions/Service, Parent/Family |
Create a prayer book of community and national leaders. Create “Vacation Backpacks” by collecting used backpacks from school and filling them with activities kids can do while traveling. Use a check-out system. Plant flowers or deliver paper snowflakes at the...
by Mark Jones | Jul 18, 2016 | Featured, Game/Activity, Missions/Service |
Items you need: Card Stock Scissors Metal Forks Paint brush Paint Hole Punch Ribbon Instructions: Invite kids to cut a bookmark rectangle shape from the cardstock. Hole punch near the top. Dip the backside of the fork into the paint and press it on the bookmark to...
by Angela | Aug 15, 2011 | Children, Missions/Service |
* Assemble ready-to-go packs for the homeless. Fill brown paper lunch sacks with water bottles, wipes, non-perishable snacks, wash cloths, and an encouraging card and perhaps a couple of dollar bills or fast food gift card. Keep these in your car at all times so when...