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Bible Verse Marble Maze

Bible Verse Marble Maze

Supplies Needed Foam paper plates with rims Variety of paper Pens Scissors Permanent markers Glue Tape String Craft sticks Pipe cleaners Marbles   Instructions Write out the verse in small writing on colored paper. Cut the words or word phrases apart. Map out a maze...

Recycled Cup Backpack Tag

Supplies Needed  Permanent markers #6 recycled clear plastic cups   Hole punch Leather string Cookie sheet Oven or toaster oven   Instructions  Draw with permanent markers on plastic cups.  Hole punch the...
Tissue Paper Turtle

Tissue Paper Turtle

Supplies Needed   Green construction paper   1 inch tissue paper squares  School glue  Wiggly eyes  Scissors  Paper plates   Paintbrush  Markers    Instructions   From the green construction paper, cut out an oval for the turtles head, a...
Father’s Day Tic Tac Toe

Father’s Day Tic Tac Toe

Supplies Needed  Rocks  Canvas bag  Fabric Markers  Acrylic paint   Paint brushes  Chalk       Instructions  Gather 10 rocks and divide them into 2 equal groups.  Using the sharpies, decorate each group with a different mark or design to symbolize X’s and O’s.   Allow...

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